Friday, August 10, 2007

Ready for School!!!!

Boy are we ready for school! Since I have not been up as much, we spent all day Thursday sorting thru the school books. Everyone has their own box, even Amelia. I spent time writing their names and grades on each book...some of the books Elaine and Anna have are duplicates, so I wanted to keep them straight. This is the school year we are devoting to the STATES and US HISTORY...and we are so excited.

Wes and I thought one way to end the school year (next year) would be a trip to see Mount Rushmore and go out has been 4 years since we have been to the mountains, and the kids have never seen Mt. Rushmore.

We are planning to study each state, the capitals, a very detailed view, then the presidents will come in while we study early US History too.

With all of our cleaning, Anna got inspired to create a CAT TOY BOX for Scraps. She worked so hard on it! Now we have a place to keep her little Kitty Toys and her hairbrush.

The cat was really excited to see it too, if you can believe that!